Pelles C for Windows versions

A complete development solution for starters and advanced C programmers
Jun 28, 2020
Editorial review
Apr 19, 2014
Apr 23, 2014
Apr 19, 2012
Oct 17, 2010
May 5, 2009
Mar 17, 2008
Aug 22, 2008
Jul 25, 2008

What's new

v8.0 [Apr 19, 2014]
All command-line tools will now write errors and warnings to stderr, other messages to stdout.
Added Windows include files camerauicontrol.h, compressapi.h, dpapi.h, dxgiformat.h, icftypes.h, netfw.h, shellscalingapi.h, versionhelpers.h.
Removed Windows Mobile and ARM support.
Many changes in the debugger - some visible, some not. Breaking change for debugger expressions involving vector registers (can affect saved watch expressions). See the help file for more information.
Added add-in interface for the debugger.
Added new profiler mode "call tree", and ability to print the result.
Added support for importing Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013 projects through the "Import MSVC project" wizard. Not every project will be perfectly imported, for various reasons.
Added full-text search to the built-in HtmlHelp viewer. (One way to use the full-text search information, in general, is to search for "8.0" to find all changes for this release.)
Added full-screen mode.
Changed to private implementation of the MDI tab control (for new Close button).
Revised the file dependency scanner for C files; added support for (some) preprocessor conditions and support for add-in scanners.
Minor improvements to the C code formatter. For example, should get less confused about extern "C" { ... } surrounded by #ifdef __cplusplus, #endif.
Added new "External files" branch to project tree, for easier identification of files located outside the top-level project directory.
Changed request for execution level to below Administrator for better cooperation with UAC. For special tasks yoy may have to run the IDE as Administrator.
Added attempt to identify the format of a custom resource type, for opening the resource in the proper editor.
Added support for embedded null characters in a string table resource.
Added support for more resource languages, including "neutral".
Added new, and removed some old, add-in examples.
Many minor changes, fixes, and improvements.
Added support for OpenMP 3.1.
Added new intrinsics for BMI1, BMI2, LZCNT, TZCNT, RTM, and AVX2 (mostly X64).
Added more optimizations, but few will (of course) affect all programs.
Added more warnings, and an exprimental analyzer for strict aliasing (warning level 2).
Added #pragma default_convention() to deal with annoying third-party header files.
Added /T option formats x64-coff and x64-asm as better aliases for amd64-coff and amd64-asm, respectively.
Many minor changes, fixes, and improvements.
Macro assembler:
Added new option /Fl to produce a list file. See the help file for more information.
Added operators SECTIONREL and IMAGEREL.
Added instructions for BMI1, BMI2, LZCNT, TZCNT, RTM, and AVX2.
Added prefix XACQUIRE and XRELEASE.
Added type OWORD and YWORD as (maybe better) aliases for XMMWORD and YMMWORD, respectively.
Added support for user-defined prologue and epilogue macros.
Added new options /DBG, /DYNAMICBASE, /HIGHENTROPYVA, and /INTEGRITYCHECK. See the help file for more information.
Incompatible change for option /SECTION. See the help file for more information.
Added richer COFF debug info, and support for fabricating some CodeView debug info if missing.
Added support for embedded manifest files.
Added private implementation of image checksum calculation (removed dependency on imagehlp.lib).
Added support for Microsoft anonymous header objects.
Library manager:
Added support for Microsoft anonymous header objects.
Resource compiler:
Added support for embedded null characters in a string table.
Make utility:
Added a few more features for compatibility with Microsoft's NMAKE. See the help file for more information.
Dump utility:
Added dump of type libraries (.tlb).
Added dump of .NET metadata and a minimal CIL disassembler (for fun).
Added support for BMI1, BMI2, LZCNT, TZCNT, RTM, and AVX2 instructions in the disassembler.
Added dump of Microsoft anonymous header objects.
Added dump of content in a HTML or manifest resource.
Added support for dump of embedded null characters in a string table resource.
Install builder:
Added statements ExecMSI, FindFile, InstallService, UninstallService, ReadXMLStr and WriteXMLStr.

v7.0 [Apr 19, 2012]
* Added support for C11, the most recent C standard (as of December 2011). See the help file for more information.
* Added new command-line tool, POCERT, for creating and managing certificates.
* Added new command-line tool, POH2INC, for converting C to assembler include files.
* The assert macro should now interact better with the debugger.
* Added optional Welcome page.
* Added web browser, including limited support for HTML Help files.
* Added file difference utility, for comparing two sets of files.
* Added new disassembler for the debugger.
* Added possibility to include user-defined file type in ZIP-archives (for projects and workspaces).
* Revised the general options dialog pages.
* The file dependency scanner will now attempt to handle dependencies on not-yet-built files, in the same project.
* Added support for filename-part syntax in build commands (like in POMAKE).
* Added support for the C11 standard, including optional multithreading and atomic functions.
* Added option for selecting between the C11 and C99 standard.
* Added about 150 intrinsic functions for AVX(1) on X64.
* Added option for signed integer overflow trap.
* Added option for Microsoft's hotpatching.
* Added what might turn into full static code analysis later; no specific option, so enabled for now with /W2.
* Added support for Microsoft special "charize operator" (#@) in the preprocessor.
* Added new __declspec attributes.
* Added support for matching include files by volume number and file index when available (for #pragma once).
* More const data should now go into the .rdata section.
* Many minor changes, fixes, and improvements.
* Added AVX(1), AVX-AES, RDTSCP, RDRAND instructions.
* Minor revision and bugfix for PTR declarations.
* Better error message in some situations.
* Added many features to make it more compatible with Microsoft's NMAKE. See the help file for more information.
* Added dump of private key files (.PVK).
* Added new disassembler.
* Added new statement, EnumRegValue

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